When in doubt, DO act on suspicion of drug use.

#communication addiction expectations mental health parentingfears relationships Oct 08, 2024
drug use

My parents used to say, "If you'd be embarrassed to tell me about it, then don't do it." It's a great message for teens to hear, since they are impulsive and easily influenced to do what it takes to fit in. Most things were minor and didn’t need an intervention.

However, there are a couple of important exceptions: When it comes to their health and safety, DO. When it comes to suspected drug use, DO intervene!

Here in New Jersey, if a teacher observes a student behaving in a way that fits the profile of drug use, he is required by law to report it. The student is taken from class and sent for drug/alcohol testing. If the test comes back negative, there are no repercussions for the staff member. 

(Years ago, one of my students was seen falling asleep in several classes. He was sent for drug testing, and happily, the results were negative; however, his parents learned that he was seriously sleep-deprived because he was texting a friend in California throughout the night. This was a problem that was more easily fixed.) 

Drug use is a dangerous symptom of other problems: depression, rage, inability to resist peer pressure, low self-esteem. If you suspect your child of using/abusing drugs, which would you prefer: to know the truth and intervene, or to live in ignorance and have a potential crisis later on?  

Many parents say, "What if I'm wrong? I don't want to falsely accuse my child." There is an immediate fear at work here. These parents are afraid of the backlash if they are wrong.  

They worry about loss of trust. It’s a legitimate concern. But I'd rather deal with that, because there's no turning back from addiction, or worse.

"Oh, but it's only pot." "My child has only tried it once or twice." More rationalizing about why not to act. If you already know or believe they are dabbling, there may be  more going on than you know.

The district I taught in instituted a voluntary, random drug-testing program. It is a very successful program. What's the point, you may ask? Aren't those the kids who wouldn't use anyway?   

If the test result is positive, it is potentially a life saved. Random testing can be a deterrent. Knowing they can be tested at any time helped some kids 'say no to drugs'.

Are you willing to take a wait-and-see approach? To wait for beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt proof?

You must be strong enough to withstand the anger, attitude and even rejection. When in doubt, DO. Your child's life could depend on it. 

You can prepare your child for how you will react if you suspect something. Let them know this is a non-negotiable issue.  

One way is to explain that you recognize they will be furious with you for doubting them, or discovering their secret; however, you are 100% committed to their safety and future and are willing to risk it. You love them that much.

* * This is a delicate subject, and there's always a possibility of fallout from confronting it. The opinions expressed are my own. There are professionals in the substance use/abuse field who can guide you in your particular situation.

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