I know I'm not perfect, but...

expectations mindset perfectionism Nov 01, 2022

I know I'm not perfect, but... If I had a dollar for every time a parent said that to me, well, I'd have some real spending money.

When you push yourself to be perfect (whatever that means), or even imply that you're not, you set yourself up to feel worse.

Perfection is impossible to define and impossible to achieve. Could we please ban the word?

Too many people are creating a negative mindset with that word. "I know I'm not perfect" says you're the opposite, and that it's a bad thing. No, it's not bad; it's human. It's normal.

Strive to do better tomorrow. Strive for 1% improvement.

Celebrate the 1%. Keep a list of your successes: what you said or didn't say, did or didn't do, the hug you gave or received, the pause you took.

Each one matters, and together they they represent growth.

Can you do that? Will you do that?


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