Innocent Questions Are Rarely Innocent

communication expectations letting go Oct 03, 2022
innocent questions, parenting teens

You ask an 'innocent question' and wham! Your teen lashes out.

That's because they sense you're checking up on them. Ready to critique, suggest, push.

Check your motivation:

*Deep down are you fearful?

*Do you worry that your child will lose their momentum, put in minimal effort?

*Does your mind go to a dismal future?

Often we're checking in to help ourselves feel better, more confident that all is well. But our kid doesn't see it that way.

The message they hear is that we doubt them and don't trust them. That doesn't inspire confidence.

What to do? Ask ahead of time if it's okay to check in 'with' them from time to time. It's not about handing out consequences; rather being there to support and encourage.

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