#1 Stress Buster for Kids? You.

#communication emotions mental health stress Jun 18, 2024


Stress is wanting things to be different than they are and not being able to accept reality. Our children are less equipped to handle stress than we are.

There are days when I don't handle it well, either. Sometimes getting busy, being productive, and being of service help me. (I'm not so much into meditation, although I listen to guided meditations from time to time.)

If we, as adults, struggle with stressors large and small, imagine how it is for the kids. How do you help your child process and cope with stress? Especially during times when everything feels upside-down and inside-out?

The best place to begin is by being the listener, the shoulder to cry on. Give them a safe place to express their anger, grief, and disappointment.

Too many kids are holding everything in, and it's eating them up. No solutions, no judgment. Just be there.


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