You're not a failure. Things just didn't turn out like you planned.
Aug 22, 2022
Do you ever see yourself as a failure? If we must use this word, let's give it new meaning. What about a 'learning experience' or an 'opportunity to grow'?
You're not a failure. Things just didn't turn out the way you planned.
Whether it's outside events or inner turmoil and attitudes, making mistakes is part of growing and growing up.
Our kids could really benefit from a change in language and attitude from us. The word 'failure' has such negative, critical energy attached to it. It demoralizes and crushes the spirit.
I don't see this as coddling. I see it as focusing on the future and what they can do differently.
That's the goal, isn't it? To learn, move, and get closer to that desired outcome.
If you have any hesitation about changing your approach, I encourage you to remember a time when someone said or implied that you were a failure. How did you feel after that and what did you do? Or did you do nothing?
Think about it. Then do something about it.
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